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2018 Canada Passenger Car Sales Figures By Model (With Rankings)

Sales Figures & Rankings for Passenger Cars Sold in Canada

2018 Best Selling Passenger Cars In Canada (All Models Ranked)

Here you will find the YTD passenger car leaders in Canada for December 2018 YTD. Each month we compile passenger car sales data and reports for North American markets and analyze it to create the best selling list below.

Passenger Car sales in Canada for the month of December and for the year weren’t fantastic. The top seven models in terms of sales volume all saw decreases for the year, though some did see sales increases in the month of December. The Honda Civic and Toyota Corolla led the way. Both saw a sales increase in December. The Civic saw a rise of 24.73 percent, and the Corolla saw a sales rise of 50 percent when compared to last year. However, both saw small declines in sales for the year. New models fared well for the year. The Kia Rio, Toyota Camry, and Honda Accord all saw rises for the year. Other vehicles recently introduced also saw bumps. While people are certainly still buying cars, SUVs seem to be where a lot of the energy is at.

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