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2025 U.S Auto Sales Figures – By Manufacturer (Automaker Rankings)

2025 U.S. Automotive Sales by Automaker – The Best-Selling Automotive Manufacturers By Sales Volume

2025 Best Selling Automakers in the U.S Last Month

This data table looks at last month’s total passenger car sales volumes in the United States by manufacturer. We compare U.S manufacturer sales for last month with the same month last year. We also include the year to date sales numbers and compare with the same year to date numbers from last year. With both monthly and YTD sales numbers we have a growth rate column so you can better gauge an individual manufacturer’s sales success in the U.S market.

Manufacturer Month LY YTD YTD Last Year
Toyota Motor Corp 175,348 184,446 338,933 350,198
Ford Motor Company 157,820 173,065 299,796 324,945
Honda Motor Company 107,011 110,010 203,785 203,220
Hyundai Kia Auto Group 130,153 124,005 191,429 226,908
Mazda 33,538 32,705 33,538 62,984
Volvo 7,920 7,920 16,056 17,506
∑ = 611,790 ∑ = 632,151 ∑ = 1,083,537 ∑ = 1,185,761

YTD Market Share Dynamics

This chart gives you a view of the year to date automotive sales volumes by manufacturer and how they make up the U.S automotive market in terms of market share. You can see in this handy chart that the big manufacturer continue to make up a disproportionate amount of the market for new car sales.

YTD This Year vs YTD Last Year

This chart simply takes each manufacturer and compares their year to date sales with the year to date sales for the same time last year. Manufacturers where the dark green bar is lower than the light green have seen declines in sales year on year whereas manufacturers with a higher dark green bar and lower light green bar are seeing growth in volumes year on year.

YTD Automotive Manufacturer Analysis

This chart might seem a little complicated at first but once you understand it is very helpful. First, the size of the area for each manufacturer refers to their market share (i.e size). The bigger the circle the larger the manufacturer in terms of sales volumes (YTD). The position of the circle in the chart along the left axis looks at the year to date growth of that manufacturer. The higher the manufacturer is on the chart, the more year to date growth it is seeing in sales volumes. Along the bottom axis you can see the total volumes shipped by that manufacturer year to date.

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U.S Quarterly Car Manufacturer Sales Numbers

This data table looks at quarterly sales performance by manufacturer in the United States. It includes all major manufacturer who sell in the U.S market. We compare last quarter’s passenger car U.S sales at the manufacturer level with the same manufacturer’s sales quarter last year. We also include a growth rate too so you can see which manufacturers are growing and which ones are declining. The quarterly view of manufacturers sales growth often gives you a better picture of what is happening than monthly because it takes out some of the month to month noise.

U.S Car Manufacturer Sales by Month

This sales data table looks at monthly sales performance for all car manufacturer in the United States on a month to month basis for the entire year so far. It includes all major manufacturer who sell vehicles in the U.S market and you can see that the monthly manufacturer sales trends clearly. Seeing the individual manufacturer’s sales performance in this way gives you a good sense of the momentum (good or bad).

Manufacturer Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Ford Motor Company 141,976 157,820 - - - - - - - - - -
Honda Motor Company 96,774 107,011 - - - - - - - - - -
Hyundai Kia Auto Group 61,276 130,153 - - - - - - - - - -
Mazda - 33,538 - - - - - - - - - -
Subaru Corporation 46,354 - - - - - - - - - - -
Toyota Motor Corp 163,585 175,348 - - - - - - - - - -
Volvo 8,136 7,920 - - - - - - - - - -
∑ = 518,101∑ = 611,790∑ = 0∑ = 0∑ = 0∑ = 0∑ = 0∑ = 0∑ = 0∑ = 0∑ = 0∑ = 0

U.S Car Manufacturer Sales by Quarter

Like the monthly view of manufacturer performance, the quarterly view is a broader, less volatile view. You can see automotive manufacturers who are building momentum over several years and those who are declining over the same period. It is a little easier to see in this view and less volatile too because monthly ups and downs are smoothed out.

Manufacturer Q2 2022 Q3 2022 Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 Q4 2024 Q1 2025
BMW Group 84,032 85,206 111,218 89,160 95,527 91,855 118,609 90,824 97,139 83,409 125,261 0
Ford Motor Company 480,558 461,514 479,741 476,041 527,875 497,108 484,458 518,077 534,466 672,682 527,385 299,796
General Motors 578,435 554,120 624,740 602,184 690,327 673,119 614,829 592,167 692,090 658,420 753,687 0
Honda Motor Company 239,789 222,050 255,250 284,507 347,025 333,203 337,511 333,724 356,457 366,214 367,362 203,785
Hyundai Kia Auto Group 370,983 380,730 386,767 382,306 432,882 430,302 402,282 379,203 438,602 425,814 448,381 191,429
INEOS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 900 0 1,800 0
Jaguar Land Rover 12,421 13,891 22,620 17,401 15,471 18,599 22,916 20,560 17,250 30,669 30,798 0
Karma Automotive 0 45 13 130 32 37 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lucid Group 500 599 850 790 601 800 951 599 500 1,200 1,150 0
Mazda 60,535 72,589 79,517 90,074 95,399 88,834 90,737 100,103 102,383 110,966 110,930 33,538
Mercedes-Benz Group AG 98,809 86,412 88,494 73,779 95,670 85,354 87,437 83,354 96,135 101,770 94,723 0
Mitsubishi Motors Corp 21,871 16,781 20,755 20,935 24,603 22,196 19,608 28,406 22,727 31,589 27,125 0
Nissan Motor Co 183,176 154,090 191,014 235,813 244,353 217,497 201,744 252,739 236,721 206,057 222,570 0
Polestar 2,300 2,300 2,100 2,999 3,500 2,100 1,833 1,000 2,301 8,002 1,776 0
Rivian Automotive 700 6,099 6,000 4,201 12,601 19,400 11,001 11,949 13,171 20,901 8,502 0
Stellantis - FCA 409,076 385,659 347,674 367,654 434,643 380,565 342,572 332,538 344,996 305,299 320,739 0
Subaru Corporation 131,449 137,320 155,466 143,376 160,713 163,131 164,863 202,121 169,447 171,169 174,113 46,354
Tesla 118,700 113,998 140,000 170,002 172,999 154,999 172,000 157,499 57,198 150,000 151,900 0
Toyota Motor Corp 483,557 489,456 516,377 467,324 558,048 583,378 600,440 565,092 621,548 542,864 603,102 338,933
Volkswagen Group 146,420 141,326 97,270 137,875 151,435 167,004 175,296 140,130 168,375 157,269 183,986 0
Volvo 27,828 21,631 29,822 26,483 33,267 32,375 36,576 32,821 30,061 28,567 35,696 16,056
∑ = 3,451,139 ∑ = 3,345,816 ∑ = 3,555,688 ∑ = 3,593,034 ∑ = 4,096,971 ∑ = 3,961,856 ∑ = 3,885,663 ∑ = 3,842,906 ∑ = 4,002,467 ∑ = 4,072,861 ∑ = 4,190,986 ∑ = 1,129,891

Automotive Data Disclosures

Important note: Both Ford, GM, and FCA have switched to quarterly reporting, making it more difficult to accurately gauge sales. We won’t have results to report for Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Ford, Lincoln, Jeep, Chrysler, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Dodge, and Ram until the end of each quarter.