2016 Best Selling Passenger Cars In the United States (All Models Ranked)
2016 was not the year of the car. U.S. auto sales rose to an all-time high of some 17.5M units, but passenger cars accounted for just 39% of the industry’s volume, down from 43% in 2015 and 52% as recently as 2012.
Part of that decline can be laid at the feet, or rather the tires, of the Toyota Camry, America’s best-selling car. To what extent the Camry can recover from these doldrums – sales fell 10% to 388,618 units in 2016, the lowest total and first sub-400K yeear since 2011 – once the all-new model is introduced at this month’s North American International Auto Show in Detroit remains to be seen. New can’t hurt.
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